One of their latest offerings is a free Sew-Along called Be My Neighbor. I have finally finished mine! This is a HUGE quilt -- 64" x 84 1/2". There are 16 blocks in all, 4 down and 4 across, of a variety of house motifs. An appliqued bird sits atop one of the structures in each row. This was a great scrap stash buster and a lot of fun to make.
This is such a big quilt, I do not intend to try to quilt it myself, so my next step is to take it to my long-arm quilter, Diana Whitfield Hall ( and let her do her magic. She always does a fantastic job and if I take her the fabric she will put the binding on for me, too.
Below is the finished quilt as featured on Bear Creek Quilting Company

I love the colors they used and fashioned my own quilt after theirs. It looks as though they have added some embroidered writing on theirs, which I think adds a nice touch. Maybe I will do the same to mine.
The pattern is still available from several sites, including Bear Creek Quilting Company, if you are interested in making one of these quilts for yourself.