Another baby shower! This time the theme was Mickey Mouse. There are so many cute Mickey Mouse prints on the market that I couldn't make up my mind which one to use, so I used several. I like that it was basically primary colors (recommended for new babies), and the fact that it was an easy-to-make square pattern was icing on the cake.
Included with the gift were several burp cloths made from a simple pattern given to me by good friend and fellow quilter Rhea. These are so quick to sew and the perfect size. I made these out of 3 pieces of flannel, double stitched around the peanut shape, then cut fringe approximately every half inch. I made these baby friendly by washing them in Dreft before giving away. This way the fringe is ruffled and any fabric stiffeners or chemicals are removed. Mama-to-be Melissa was so happy with them she asked for a dozen more.
Also included with my gift were a couple of books, a crocheted afghan (bright yellow to go with the Mickey Mouse theme colors), and a plush Mickey. Melissa and Baby Mikey had a wonderful shower, full of gifts, good food, and lots of laughter. Due in early August, she has just enough time to prepare for his arrival.