Do any of you love to letter? I love to draw and doodle, but I admit my lettering is very stilted. I used to letter in my younger days. I did wedding envelopes, signs, posters, logos, etc., all of which required a precise type of lettering.
This is so different and FUN!
I recently started a class with Lindsay Ostrom, Creator of Cuteness. She is the most fantastic lettering artist and doodler. She has created a series of videos you can buy on her Etsy site ThePaperRabbit . The classes range from $10-$25 which she puts out monthly. Each class has several videos and comes with a stack of pdf's for you to print. It's a go-at-your-own-pace class, so there's no need to stress out if someone is ahead of you. Along with the class, there is a private Facebook group where Lindsay does bonus videos, challenges, and Friday Fun Days.
I have been following Lindsay for years and I'm so excited to participate in her class. You might have seen her work. She creates for AdornIt and several other places. A few years ago she offered the certificate below for free from her blog. Click on the link to print your own if you like.
My main reason for wanting to learn her style of lettering and doodling is for making special occasion tags and cards. I love her style, although she invites us all to find our own style through practicing her techniques.
If you're looking for something fun to do with the kids this summer, or you just need a little pastime for yourself, give Lindsay's class a try. I think you'll love it.
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