When boys reach a certain age, they begin to not want moms and grandmothers to make them cutesy stuff. Throw out the bears and bunnies and bring on the cars and monsters. They prefer simple to flowery. I get it, but what kinds of quilts do we make the future Nascar drivers and sports addicts of the world?
The boy's quilt I chose to make uses the fabric line Elementary by Sweetwater for Moda. It would be a great quilt for a girl, too, but because there is nothing "cutesy," I thought it worked well for a young man.
I alternated blocks of rail fence, four-patch, and 8" squares. You can't get much simpler than that, but the blocks together make a nice quilt design. I did some stitching in the ditch for the quilting, and this little quilt was done and ready to dragged around the house.
Love it!!